Happy TAX Day to everyone - hope you are not my hubby this year and got yours filed long before now! I can't remember the last time we prepared our taxes at the last moment - it's been 10+ years at least.... but somehow this year it got put off, and put off,...
Today is the 3rd Thursday of the month, which for us means *busy* day. The twins and I have MOPS today (Mother's of Preschoolers) that meet at a local church. They get to go have a 2.5 hour play date with kids their ages supervised by retired church members and we mom's get to have "grown up time" and fun. This has been my first year with this group, and I've enjoyed making new friends.
Also 3rd Thursday means that it's "GUILD" night over in the big town next door... I've never been before but have been trying to make it to a meeting since last October - but something always happens to prevent me from getting there.. a main water pipe at David's work will burst, or they have a fire... or some meeting I have to attend for Nora - PTA, Girl Scout Round up... it's been a variety of things...
So although I'm thinking "maybe" in the back of my head today... I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high for tonight. We'll see.. If I do get to go, I'll let you know tomorrow. ;)
Well I better get off here and get ready - we have a long day today! Have a great one!
Love from Texas!