Friday, April 30, 2010

Group A has a winner for "Outside Border"

Hi Bonnie I think I have bingo on the out side Card number 871 Group A will not be home or have access to Computer until Saturday about 8 PM,

Congratulations to applebetty, yes you do have a outside border bingo!!! and I replied to your PM that you sent to me - hope you have safe travels home and I'll wait to hear back from you.

Love from Texas!

Group D has a winner for "Outside Border"

I'm in Group D Card #871 I have the outside border covered!

Funny thing is.... I'm on a trip with my brothers and sisters and am now in TN. My husband has been keeping track of the Bingo numbers for me. He just called from OH saying "Email Bingo Bonnie........ the numbers today gave you the outside border on card #871!!!" He was very excited for me! (I hope he checked them off right!)

I'll wait to hear from you that he's right. I am very excited if we are correct.... I've never been lucky being a winner! -Malou

Yes your husband is right, you do have an outside border winner Malou! Congratulations, you are the second winner of the day! I've sent you an email. ;) Does this mean that you will have to share your winnings with your husband when you get home from your trip? ;) ~bonnie

Love from Texas!

Group B has a winner for "Outside Border"

Congratulations goes to Lisa-TX!!! I received a phone call from her this morning and although we've talked no the phone lots of times, I just didn't put 2 and 2 together... "oh it's been a while since we've talked, what's up with you, how are the girls... I told her about my knee... (not that she hadn't already read about it here... LOL) and we shared carpool pickup line stories....

20 minutes later - she says well the real reason I'm calling you is so you can verify my card!!! :P Ummmm, hello Bonnie!?!? where is your brain! LOL :P

and I pulled it up and sure enough it's a winner for the outside box.

Congratulations Lisa-TX!

Love from Texas!

Bingo Numbers for Friday 4/30/2010

Whooo HOoo! It's FRI-DAY at long last!!! ;)

and I'm not going anywhere today unless it's to the doctor for my knee. As I write this (tonight at midnight) the Advil and ice packs have helped a lot - but it still hurts and it is still stiff... yesterday, I had to use my left foot to break and gas while driving b/c lifting my foot hurt too much on my knee...

I still don't know exactly how I hurt it...? isn't' that strange?! Well at least I will not have to drive to pick up Nora today - as she has no school. Then again, I might be driving myself to the doctor...?

well -ANYway.... here are your TGIF Friday Bingo Balls! ;) Good Luck to all of your cards!

Love from Texas!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Thursday 4/29/2010

Ok - well I know there's been a lot of lookin going on at the HGTV boards.. ;) seems like everyone is checking in to see if there's been a winner yet...

We went from only 600ish views to over 1080 in 24 hours! So yesterday I stared a new thread topic for our Bingo Game. CLICK HERE to stop by the new thread and leave a comment ;)

Again - we are shooting for the big outside border for the runner up prize in each group = 25 FQs. and then we will continue playing for the BIG Blackout/cover all. ;)

I can't help but have "Georgia On My Mind" today as I see that 2nd ball I-20 as we lived just off of Interstate I-20 when we lived in Augusta. ;) Oh what fun memories we made while we lived there for a little more than a year after we were first married. (David's 1st job after college)...... and then b/c it was so nice we got to have an Augusta address twice - when we moved back a 2nd time in 2003 and then had our first child the year after...

oh how we loved our home there! It was the perfect 4 bedroom, 1 story home!!! I sure wish we could have brought it with us to Texas when we moved.

Love from Texas!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Wednesday 4/28/2010

How did Wednesday get here so fast??? This week is flying by! Guess Nora being out of school on Monday did that - now I feel a day behind. :P

Well - here are some more numbers for you all. Here's hoping that the twins can stay awake long enough to make it to Story Time today - the past 2 weeks one or the other has fallen asleep on the drive over... :/

Happy Middle of the Week day ;)

Love from Texas!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Tuesday 4/27/2010

There's been a lot of chit chat over on the main Bingo thread at the HGTV board.... and I love it that everyone shares their card the days pass, the game gets more and more exciting!!! I get more and more thread notifications sent to my email box. ;)

Some seem to think that we will surely have a bingo for the outside box in the next day or so... what do you think? Are your cards filling up fast?

Today's numbers are....

Love from Texas!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Monday 4/26/2010

Oh what a weekend!! I don't think we could have had even just an ounce more fun! Nora's school had their annual Spring Festival and David & the kids and I went not just on Saturday but also on Sunday too! ;)

Love from Texas!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Saturday 4/24/2010

Oh, oh, oh what fun we are gonna have today! Rain or Shine, it's Spring Festival time! I'm not sure how long we will be at the school but Nora and her classmates are scheduled to take the stage at 4:30 for their singing... and so I'm sure we will hang around for that.

I've not been able to get her to sing their song for me - so hearing it today will by my first.

Oh and before I get going... I need to leave you all with today's Bingo numbers ;) Happy Weekend everyone - have a great Sunday tomorrow ;)
Love from Texas!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Friday 4/23/2010

Did everyone have a Happy Earth Day yesterday??? The kids and I went to the botanical garden here in town where they each got to help release 1 of 300+ butterflies! It was so fun!

I'd share with you photos that I took but none of them are any good much... my hands were busier than I thought possible trying to keep hold of each Olivia & Paul Thomas' leash to their harness/backpacks they were wearing. I was so scared I might loose them in the huge crowd of children!

Do you see us??? I'm the one above wearing the back shirt :P and those are my twins behind our friends son holding the butterfly in his palm. I love that little knobby knee of Paul Thomas...and look how much higher up Olivia's knee cap is than his!

above photo shows Nora on the far left wearing the plaid school uniform and with the back of her head facing the camera :P
oh and there's Olivia's little face is peeking over the shoulders of the two boys.

These 3 photos were taken from the newspaper's website tonight... I'm hoping to find different photos in the day's newspaper b/c the camera guy asked me for the twins' names and ages... maybe? maybe? ;)

I'm so tempted to give out all the numbers for both today Friday and Saturday b/c of Nora's school Spring Festival is this weekend and I just know that we are gonna be sooooo busy - but I won't.

I'll post two separate posts on their days... just in case anyone were to announce that they got a outside border box bingo...?

so here are two numbers that I hope are lucky for your cards......

TGIF & Love from Texas!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Thursday 4/22/2010

Well I certainly hope today is a much better day for me than yesterday was. The twins and I got cleaned up and ready to go only to drive to the library and find Olivia snoring and Paul Thomas with heavy eyelids.... no use going into Story Time in that shape :/ so we got dressed up for nothing.

I did drive thru my favorite Chicken Express though and enjoyed it while listening to my favorite station. Afterward I headed to Nora's school and hand quilted for almost an hour before she was released ;) all the while the twins napped in the back... so that part turned out pretty good! ;)

So here are the numbers for today - can you believe we have been playing for 22 days already!!??! ;) surly your cards are getting lots of marks on them by now! ;) If not - then it's not my fault! I have called out over half of the 75 numbers in the pot already!

Love from Texas!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Wednesday 4/21/2010

Today is story time for the twins. I'm tired just thinking about it as I prepare this post the night before. :/ wish me luck. Keeping up with both of them and correcting them wears me out on Wednesdays...

ok today's bingo numbers are....
hopefully these help your cards some ;)

Love from Texas!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Monday 4/19/2010

Last Friday I told you that I *DID* get to go to my first ever Guild meeting - check out my regular blog to read all about it - look for the "I'm a Lucky Lizard" post ;) If you want to see some eye candy - grab a cuppa and click on over - lots of pics! ;)

ok - let's get this week kick started with some kickin bingo numbers.... take a look...

first number of the day...

and the second lucky number...

Happy Monday everyone! ;)

Love from Texas!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Saturday 4/17/10

I was "flying solo" last night at home with supper, baths, and bedtime routine and was sooo tired I fell asleep across the guest bed in my sewing room and did not even make it back downstairs to use the computer or the sewing machine. Sorry for anyone who's already visited the blog this morning looking for numbers. They are now set up both here and on the HGTV board.

Thankfully David came and found me when he got home around midnight so that I could get up and go to bed. :P Happy Weekend everyone! and we'll meet back here on Monday. (which I already have scheduled) ;)

Love from Texas!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Friday 4/16/2010

Oh - and Guess what.... See this big smile on my face?!! :P It's because David got home from work before 6:00pm tonight, which is the 3rd Thursday, which =s QUILT GUILD MEETING!!! Yippie I got to gooo!

Wooo Hoooo!!!! ......and there was STILL room in Bonnie Hunter's workshops! I signed up for the Saturday class, My Blue Heaven!

Whoo Hooo! But I think I already said that... LOL :P

Happy Weekend everyone & Love from Texas!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Thursday 4/15/10

Happy TAX Day to everyone - hope you are not my hubby this year and got yours filed long before now! I can't remember the last time we prepared our taxes at the last moment - it's been 10+ years at least.... but somehow this year it got put off, and put off,...

Today is the 3rd Thursday of the month, which for us means *busy* day. The twins and I have MOPS today (Mother's of Preschoolers) that meet at a local church. They get to go have a 2.5 hour play date with kids their ages supervised by retired church members and we mom's get to have "grown up time" and fun. This has been my first year with this group, and I've enjoyed making new friends.

Also 3rd Thursday means that it's "GUILD" night over in the big town next door... I've never been before but have been trying to make it to a meeting since last October - but something always happens to prevent me from getting there.. a main water pipe at David's work will burst, or they have a fire... or some meeting I have to attend for Nora - PTA, Girl Scout Round up... it's been a variety of things...

So although I'm thinking "maybe" in the back of my head today... I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high for tonight. We'll see.. If I do get to go, I'll let you know tomorrow. ;)

Well I better get off here and get ready - we have a long day today! Have a great one!

Love from Texas!