Friday, April 30, 2010

Group B has a winner for "Outside Border"

Congratulations goes to Lisa-TX!!! I received a phone call from her this morning and although we've talked no the phone lots of times, I just didn't put 2 and 2 together... "oh it's been a while since we've talked, what's up with you, how are the girls... I told her about my knee... (not that she hadn't already read about it here... LOL) and we shared carpool pickup line stories....

20 minutes later - she says well the real reason I'm calling you is so you can verify my card!!! :P Ummmm, hello Bonnie!?!? where is your brain! LOL :P

and I pulled it up and sure enough it's a winner for the outside box.

Congratulations Lisa-TX!

Love from Texas!

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