Friday, April 9, 2010

Bingo Numbers for Friday 4/9/10

Does 2 hours seem like 2 days??? Seems I forgot to schedule today's numbers last night before going to bed. sorry. I got here as fast as I could this morning ;) ......had to feed the critters and get the big kid and hubby out the door. ;)

So what time of day do you swing by the blog for numbers? Early in the morning? mid day? midnight? You can click below on "comments" or talk about it over on the newest BINGO Topic thread over on the HGTV Message Board. ;)

Happy Weekend everyone!!!

Love from Texas!


  1. Hi Bonnie - I check for the numbers after I get settled at work, somewhere around 9:30am EST. I don't really care what time the numbers are posted so long as it's by the time I leave work at 5pm :) Thanks for hosting Bingo again!
