Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mail Call - Wednesday 3/31/10

For the kids - their favorite part of the day is going to school to pick up Big Sister Nora... but for me

my favorite part is checking the mailbox! :) I'm trying to prepare my mind that all of this package receiving is almost over... as we get closer to BINGO day!

Look at these two fun fabrics from karol0405 that arrived today!!!

and a package from Whittle's Fabrics also came today - Dixieldy ordered her bingo fabric this year and sent it to play since all of her belongings are being stored until she is able to get back into a home after their house fire last fall.

Dixieldy choose 3 fall warm fabrics that are so pretty together... and ...

3 soft pastel fabrics that go so pretty together.

Two packages today = more pretties to add to the Jackpot!!!

Love from Texas!

Card Template





































Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mail Call - Tuesday 3/30/10

The first package I opened today - was from a blog reader of mine - who is a first year player. Ms. Jeanine. I hope she has as much fun with the game as the rest of us do, and doesn't' think we are a bunch of crazy nuts! ;) well... we are! But you know what I mean :P

The second box was from my "neighbor" LOL Lisa-TX. I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa last year when I went on the HGTV "Circle of Friends" retreat in Manchester, NH. I drove to Houston the night before leaving and stayed with her at her home... finally a face to go with a voice that I've talked with on the phone so many times ;)

Lisa-TX's oldest daughter is Nora's age... and so she knew just what to pick that Nora would like and marked "for Nora" in the ziplock on the very top of the package! Thank you Lisa & Lauren for spoiling Nora and adding to her fabric stash!

and like so many other players this year - Lisa shared some FQs as well as some yardage... here are a few closer looks...

and don't these stripped FQs look pretty cool! I plan to keep these together to go to the same winner... they need to be used together don't you agree?

and some yardage cuts of some lovely florals...

and here is a close up again of Nora's FQ... as well as a little something for ME too! :D

the red/white fabric is for me... and is adorable! I just love it!!! "I caught the quilting bug"

Thank you Lisa!!!! I think I will search for some more to use for the backing of my current redwork BOM project I'm still working on... appears I've not shared photos on my blog of those in a while, b/c i know I have at least 6 of them done... Note to self... update.

These 8 lovelies below arrived from Thousands of Bolts that KY Sunshine had ordered to play bingo. She lives down under in Australia and was smart to place an order to get it here quickly.

The next package from Char77 I took several photos of.

The first are of all the fun and funky polka dots and cool striped fabrics.

Here's some closeups!

aren't those irregular stripes cool? and the colors - Mmmmm...

some florals, some spring colors, some neutrals... you name it - it's in here!

and since she said I could choose 5 for myself - Nora and I both agreed that these dots should stay here ;) aren't they cute? the first 4 from left to right are for sure keepers... still trying to decide on either the pink background or white background from the last 2 on the right. ;) I'm thinking the pink one will win. Thanks Char!

Nora's favorites are the pink ones.... of COURSE! :P

There are quilt a bit more to add to our still g-r-o-w-i-n-g jackpot of Fat Quarters and yards...

We are planning to leave town headed to KY for Easter weekend tomorrow after Nora gets out of school. So any other packages that come in - those show-n-tell photos will have to wait until after we return. ;)

Good thing my 2 girlfriends have keys to my home and will be checking for packages, as well as feeding "Big Drop" (Nora's fish) while we are away.

Oh and guess who thought it would be fun to climb up in the window and eat their lunch while I took photos of the bingo fabrics...

Love from Texas!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mail Call 3/26 & 3/27

Thursday there were no bingo packages... and then on Friday there were two. They were form Cr8tve1 and fishingwidow.

However I have to be honest and tell you I didn't open them up until tonight when I also had packages from Brandyquilter, LRMart, and catec7 that arrived this afternoon (Saturday.)

We were outside playing with the kids when the mail carrier drove by. David went out to get the mail.. and guess who was crying for him.

Even though none of them are for him, and he doesn't even get the thrill of opening them to see what's inside - I know there is a part of him that enjoys going to the mailbox to get packages and seeing from what corners of the country they have traveled from! ;)

So tonight after we got the kids to bed, I spent some much needed 1 on 1 time with my digital camera and these little boogers.

fishingwidow sent in some lovely florals on a variety of background colors.

cre8tve1 mailed in 2 FQ gifts for Nora with her 2 one yard cuts for bingo - Thank You cre8tve1!

Brandyquilter sent in some very pretty purple shades of FQs along with some very pretty neutral yard pieces and a very cool monkey fabric. OOoo - Ooogh!! Aaah! Aah! ;)

catec7 had a great variety to add to the Jackpot stash also.

The bright spring colors were so fun... but this dark blue one was my favorite! Ooooough... and it felt like budda!

and she sent a pack of machine needles this year - I think it was last year or the year before she sent me some hand needles... Thank you very much! Hummm... it's been at least a month or so since I last changed my machine needle - so guess what I'm gonna do tomorrow!? ;) thanks!

LRMart sent in two very beautiful blues... what's not to love about blue? I know without even asking that it was my Momma Newt's favorite fabric color - b/c when I inherited her scraps they were 99.99999% blues! ;)

and the last package I opened was from cksvett. Look what she went and did! Over 3 yards of that stripe I fell in love with a few weeks back!!! Gurlfirend - you WOWed me for sure! THANK YOU Bunches!!!

Here's what all the mail from Friday & Saturday look like out of their packages ;)

Only a few more days to go until GAME DAY! ;) Anyone that hasn't mailed yet - needs to get their packages to the Post Office soon - mail by deadline is 3/31! The players list on the right sidebar is updated. Please let me hear from you if I don't have a "mailed" by your name, I need to know your status. Thanks.

I will begin emailing out cards to players on Monday and continue on Tuesday.

Hope you had a great weekend!

Love from Texas!