Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mail Call - Wednesday 3/17/10

Today when I got home from Story Time and then picking up Nora from school I couldn't wait to carry up the twins for nap time so that I could go check the mailbox. I had already seen two boxes sittin on the driveway by the garage door when I pulled in! ;)


Indeed there was one more package in my mailbox... from DJBrown. She included a jump drive for me - to back up all bingo related stuff on so that I'll have everything backed up all the time!!! Great idea Deb! Thank YOU! :)

As many already know - we had to replace hard drives on BOTH our computers last year, as well as one operating system, and a mother board... plus out back up "my book" thingy had to be sent in to the manufacture too for replacement.. and even though we did get a lot saved off of them using a local PC Doctor - not everything... so I've been using an old spreadsheet from 2008's bingo game... whew though that I had it - I can NOT imagine having to start from scratch on this...


The second package I opened was from mrs-c. Isn't' that a beautiful combination of colors?? Is it just me - or do they somewhat remind you of the recent Winter Olympic colors when you first glance at them..?

Is it just me - or do they somewhat remind you of the recent Winter Olympic colors when you first glance at them..?

and she was sooo sweet to think of Nora and her love for PINK!!! 2 more for Nora's growing stash! ;) Thank you very much mrs-c!

and something else that you spotted in the photo that was pink... are these pink string blocks that I'm collecting this summer on behalf of all the Sunshine Quilters on the HGTV board - and sending them in from all of us to the Heartstrings Quilt Project, as I've done in years past.

and look at this! WOW! I get to go shopping!!! In my Pajamas if I want to even! b/c you know as a mom of 3 little ones I don't get to go to a fabric store very often!! Well Nora and I have made several trips on the weekends over to the next town over to Joann's - but I can not remember the last time I visited an ACTUAL QUILT STORE!! It's been at least over a year!!!

So THANK YOU mrs-c - for such a generous hostess gift - I really am excited about it!!! Can you tell?? ;) You are too sweet to do this for me!


and the last package I opened today was from mizsam - and take a look at what greeted me when I opened up her box! ;) I love that! "Hey, it's your bag. How you fill it is up to you."

and there's NO GUESSING to WHAT'S inside THIS bag!!!!! ;)

Fa-ah-ah-AB-BRICK! and lots of it!

I thought you'd like a peek inside ;) Yum-mo!

mizsam - thank you for sending such colorful fabrics - these are gonna really spice up the g-r-o-w-i-n-g Jack Pot! ;)

Love from Texas!

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